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Microlumbar Disccectomy / Tubular Disccectomy

Injection Procedures in Spine

Osteoporotic Spine Fracture Management

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Scoliosis Correction Treatment In Chennai

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Endoscopic Spine Surgery in Chennai

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Scoliosis Correction Surgery

Scoliosis correction surgery, also known as scoliosis fusion surgery or spinal fusion for scoliosis, is a surgical procedure performed to correct abnormal curvature of the spine caused by scoliosis.

Scoliosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine, often in an “S” or “C” shape, which can cause pain, deformity, and functional limitations.

When non-surgical treatments such as bracing and physical therapy fail to effectively manage the condition, scoliosis correction surgery may be recommended.

Scoliosis is a condition that affects millions of people in India. The spinal disorder which is considered as a disability is prevalent among children than adults in India. It impacts the patient’s life preventing them from functioning normally.

In Chennai, a high number of scoliosis cases are observed and many children are affected too. Now you can get best treatment with the help of best scoliosis correction surgeons in Chennai who use latest techniques and advanced procedures.

Learn more about scoliosis, scoliosis treatment and best scoliosis surgery doctors in Chennai.

What is Scoliosis Correction Surgery?

Dr. Vignesh Pushparaj is a one of the Best Scoliosis Surgery Doctor in Chennai, India. Provides quality cost effective treatment for Scoliosis Correction Surgery with Advanced Technology & 100% Safe Treatment.

Figure 1

Normally spine is straight when you see front to back and body is erect when seen from side to side. Abnormal curvature of the spine is spine deformity. Side-to-side abnormal spinal curve is Scoliosis. (See Figure-1)

Spine of a person with scoliosis looks more like an “S” or a “C” than a straight line. Forward bending of the spine which produces a round back deformity is Kyphosis. (See Figure-2)

Scoliosis is of 4 types, in that adolescent idiopathic scoliosis accounts for 80 percent of cases, with prevalence of 0.47–5.2 % in general population. The female to male ratio ranges from 1.5:1 to 3:1 which indicates that the female children are affected more. Scoliosis progression is accelerated during the time of menarche.

Figure 2

To know in-depth about best scoliosis surgery & surgeon in Chennai, contact us today.

How to identify scoliosis in kids ? (See Figure-3)

Figure 3

1.Crooked shoulders—one is higher than the other.

2.Head does not seem center, it is slightly tilted to one side when they are observed from back or front.

3.One of their hips is higher than the other.

4.When they stand relaxed arm to trunk gap is higher on one side comparing to the other.

5.Their rib cage seems uneven or crooked—one side higher than the other or they have a “rib hump” on one side of their back when they lean over.

Purpose of scoliosis treatment:

When you receive the best scoliosis correction treatment in Chennai, the purpose of the same is:

1.To reduce the risk of lung diseases.

2.To prevent them from early onset of back and neck pain problems.

3.To extend the lifespan of the individuals.

4.Cosmetic comes at last.

Looking for Top Scoliosis Correction Surgeon in Chennai?

Dr Vignesh Pushparaj is one of the leading and top scoliosis correction surgeons in Chennai with an excellent track record of treating patients successfully. He is a highly-qualified spine surgeon with M.B.B.S and Post Graduation in Orthopaedics and has decade long experience in the medical field.

To know more about the treatment approach, appointment and fees, contact today!

Scoliosis Surgery Treatment Hospital in Chennai

If scoliosis curve is greater than 45-50°, it will very likely get worse with increase in age of the patient. This will result in increased deformity in your back, it will affect our lung function. Surgery is recommended.

For scoliosis surgery in Chennai and related details such as procedure, success,  and  fees, consult Dr. Vignesh Pushparaj.

He is one of the trusted and leading scoliosis surgeons in Chennai.

How successful is scoliosis correction surgery?

Spinal fusion is very successful in stopping the curve from growing. We could also straighten the scoliosis spine significantly, which will improve the patient’s appearance as well as lung function.

Que 1- How straight will the spine after scoliosis surgery/DR. Vignesh pushparaj will completely straighten the spine?

Spinal bones protect your spinal cord, we will straighten the spinal column to an extent, as far as spinal cord is safe.

Que 2- How safe scoliosis correction surgery? What are the chances of paralysis after scoliosis treatment?

Scoliosis correction surgery is safe in hands of Dr. Vignesh Pushparaj. He had got a well-qualified and updated team for execution.

Paralysis chance post-surgery is minimal because we use updated technology called intraoperative neuromonitoring to monitor the spinal cord function all through the surgery, which will prevent complication such as paralysis.

Que 3- How long does scoliosis correction surgery take?

Surgery lasts from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the size of the patient’s curve.

Some of this time is spent preparing the patient for anaesthesia, hooking the patient up to nero monitors, and positioning the patient to be as safe and comfortable as possible.

Que 4- How much pain will I be in after surgery?

The amount of pain people report after surgery varies from patient to patient. The surgery is a major procedure that involves moving muscles and realigning the skeleton. The first 24hours are usually painful, but most people improve rapidly from 2nd or 3rd  post-operative day.

They will be made to walk around, and get in and out of bed on 1st or 2nd  day post-surgery. Mild pain may persist for 2 to 3 weeks after surgery, pain medication should no longer be necessary.

Que 5- Do the rods and screws stay in spine for life time?

Screws and rods are used for curve correction, to maintain alignment and fusion, they usually are not removed. Very few people require rod removal. When it is required, this may be for a variety of reasons.

We use only imported or surgical grade titanium implants that doesn’t need 2nd surgery for removal.

Will fusion make patients back stiff and unable to move?

There will be enough movements with the help of hip joints, there will be minimal restriction of about 5-10 degree.

Most people have enough motion in the unused portion of their lower backs to perform all activities of daily living and most sports.

It may take a while to adapt. Most people find that, within a year or so, their backs begin to feel.

Back and Neck Pain Management

Cervical Spondylosis

Chronic Pain Management

Spine Fracture Management

Microlumbar Disccectomy / Tubular Disccectomy

Injection Procedures in Spine

Osteoporotic Spine Fracture Management

Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery (MIS)

Scoliosis Correction Treatment In Chennai

Spine Tumour Surgeries

Endoscopic Spine Surgery in Chennai

Chennai Spine, Scoliosis & Disc Replacement Centre

Centre for Advanced Spinal Surgery

For Appointment Call : +91 9150 955 655

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Your wellness is our focus. We aim to provide safe, high-quality, cost-effective and state-of -the-art, operative and non-operative management for spinal disorders.

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